Mgr. Vaclav Gerstner, Hostalkovy 48,  PSC: 793 81, Czech Republic,  Tel.: 554 649 145, E-mail:


Azer is a large, massive, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame with high-quality coat and typical male head. Everyone is fascinated by his friendly nature. Everything that he does, he does with the biggest enthusiasm. Although he likes people very much, one of his best favourite activities is training of the defence. He also loves jumping, freesbee, retrieveing. The ball is the bonniest prize for him. We also do dogtrekking and skijoring. Azer and Fly can pull very well and they help me to climb every hills. Azer loves children, his family, cats and other pets and mainly - it is our faithful friend and we always can fall back on him.

Azer is the first-rate stallion dog with very friendly nature. These features he will transfer to his offspring. We offer him to bitch holders.

02.02.2017 - Itīs very sad day for me. You passed away today. You were my best friend. We all loved you. Now you already are with Belli, but Fly and your daughter Aira are looking for you all the time. The sad life without you begins. Good bye, my dear friend! We all miss you so much! Wait for us, we will come!

Azer at the age of 1 year

Azer at the age of 3 years

